Saturday, August 1, 2009

Made Of Words

If I were made up of words I'd look like this.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dedicated to foolish gallantry

Started out writing a limerick but this is the end result :)

As he came near
Sneered the lady fair
"What do u fear?",
"Pray tell my dear!",
"Is it a bloody battle?"
"Or a snake's rattle?"

"None!", the knight declared
And his heart he bared.
"Dear Lady, I profess,"
"A damsel in distress..."
"Is whom I fear immense"
"Against whose charm I have no defense."

P.S.: I get easily inspired :P.
Knight in shining armor, thanks for the inspiration.

The cartoon image is copyrighted by the original artist of the cartoon and maybe everything else,
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sometimes all you can do is hope!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sad but True

I just discovered that my mind is not so great.
What was I thinking in Feb 2009?!
Sad but true
(I know not an original string of words but I am listening to Metallica rt now!)
Hmm...Ok...It may not be sad but it is certainly true.

Just an afterthought, Twitter really has had an effect on me.
I can now write short posts.Hurray to micro-blogging!

I have also made a discovery that I make totally disconnected comments within short spans of time.I am thinking of updating my resume with this skill.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Contemplation of a great mind

Well, well, well...My new year resolution has finally kicked in...Had promised yours truly to publish a post daily...a promise to unleash the writer sleeping inside yours truly.

The writer inside yours truly had an indigestion on 4th Feb 2009 1:16 AM IST and has vomited words on this blog! (Just an after thought.. should really use sublime metaphors to reflect an aesthetic and artistic mind rather than concentrating on
the ailments of stomach...I just appended it to my TO DO list of 2009)

Lately, I have taken up a habit of shooting grief stricken SMSes to a close friend regarding my current situation in life. Although committing a shameful(Because Nokia 3010 of hers can accommodate only 10 SMSes at a time) act of flooding her inbox with my profound SMSes, yet I feel it is an obligation to the writer within me. I cannot suppress it anymore.I feel like Vincent Van Gogh...Maybe my SMSes will find immortality for impacting the mankind for sharing some profound reflections on life and making a unique and lasting contribution to society.Technically, I am not a painter, and I suspect the mobile service providers don't publish SMSes for public reading.

But my mood is perfect to write a Pulitzer Prize Winning SMS. By the way, I hope they give out an award in this category starting from 2009.My loved ones seem to object my choice of clothing as the color of all my garments range from Light Slate Grey to Dark Slate Grey. Actually, should have mentioned just Dark Slate Grey as my washing machine has the privilege of introducing lighter shades of Slate Grey
into my life.

Apart from the perfect sad clothes, I wear the perfect deep, forlorn look. At this point I have turned contemplative and my eyes have become all squinty...I am ready to churn out some poignant SMSes about my life.

Apparently, have just experienced writers block as last three SMSes sent by me were:
1. S***!Life sucks!
2. Life sucks big time!

Third one is really insightful and interesting. I just discovered my religious side! Pain has made me closer to God. I am turning into a theist!Great! My mom will be thrilled!

This epiphany has just pushed me into more contemplative mode.

My bro just popped in and gave me a smirk which can be roughly translated to "You big loser who..... loses everytime. (GOD! SECOND OCCURRENCE OF WRITERS BLOCK IN 10 MINUTES.)" I immediately gave him my if-looks-could-kill look for breaking my meditation. But it transformed his smirk to a full fledged scoffing.Though, I admit that I may be partly responsible for the transformation. I strained my eyes so much in attempting to achieve that extremely venomous if-looks-could-kill look that I ended up winking in a very conspicuous and hideous manner which is not normally
adopted by a normal human being.I think I may have to reconsider the sentiments of my brother. They may hold some truth.But tell you what, who cares, Life sucks!

Bottoms up to Life!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.