Friday, March 21, 2008

Feelin' Groovy

Naming my blog was one of the hardest things that I have done. (Duh!)
Well, I am descending to a cliché here, but that’s how my “hard toil” ;-) fits into words.

After lot of pondering I decided to name it “Feelin' Groovy :-)”. ..Couldn’t help it actually...I was listening to Simon and Garfunkel while I was choosing my probable ‘display name’. I think I can safely blame Simon and Garfunkel for making me believe that I was feeling groovy :-P.

Anyways, the song ended after 1min. 23 sec. and so did my groovy feeling. After signing up, I thought ‘Always quirky ;-)’ would have done justice…I think I am 66% quirky (that amounts to distinction grade) …that’s quirky enough…which means that I am pretty quirky but normal enough to hide the fact that I am quirky.

Coming to the point, me "Feelin' Groovy"?!
By and large I think the people who know me will totally vouch for the fact that I can be counted among the most “ungrooviest” people in the world. But that’s why music is here for…It made me feel groovy for for precisely 1min. 23 sec. :-P …Enjoy this video.


Trupti said...

Hey Miss Quirky..

Cool Blog!

Keep posting!


Feelin' Groovy :) said...

Thanks Trupti :)